Auto Scroll in Common Controls
This example shows, how to programatically autoscroll WinForm controls
TextBox, ListBox, ListView, TreeView and DataGridView.
Autoscroll to the end of box or view is useful. For example, in situations when you use one of these components as the output log window. Usually you add the items to the box or view and you want to be sure that the recently added item is visible without the necessary to do it manually.
Though it is not difficult to solve this problem, .NET doesn't provide any unified way how to do it.
Autoscroll to the end of box or view is useful. For example, in situations when you use one of these components as the output log window. Usually you add the items to the box or view and you want to be sure that the recently added item is visible without the necessary to do it manually.
Though it is not difficult to solve this problem, .NET doesn't provide any unified way how to do it.
TextBox autoscroll
textBox1.SelectionStart = textBox1.Text.Length; textBox1.ScrollToCaret();
ListBox autoscroll
listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - 1; listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
ListView autoscroll
listView1.EnsureVisible(listView1.Items.Count - 1);
TreeView autoscroll
treeView1.Nodes[treeView1.Nodes.Count - 1].EnsureVisible();
DataGridView autoscroll
dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedCell = dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0];
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